28 May 2012

Size of stars

Here is an amazing video showing how the planets of our solar system compare to each other and to our own Sun and then just how small our Sun is compared to some really big giants out there.

23 May 2012

4 minute Transit of Venus Movie

Here's a 4 minute movie on the upcoming transit of Venus. Join SJAA for the Transit of Venus on Tuesday June 5th. Details at www.SJAA.net. The  transit starts around 3PM and will still be in front of the Sun as it sets after 7PM.

Observe The Sun Safely - Never look at the Sun without a proper filter! 
Solar Programs are held 1st Sunday of every Month 2:00-4:00 PM at Houge Park  weather permitting

12 May 2012

Mega Sunspot - Mega Flares - May 12 2012

Observe The Sun Safely - Never look at the Sun without a proper filter! 
Solar Programs are held 1st Sunday of every Month 2:00-4:00 PM at Houge Park  weather permitting

Special thanks goes to SJAA member Patricia Madison for setting up this solar event as part of Don Edwards S. F. Bay National Wildlife Refuge "Birdfest". She had a neat "make a sundial" booth (see below pic) for kids set up and often holds star parties at the park as well at Lick Observatory.

Handheld Sundial (thanks Dalana Castrell)

Today - SJAA setup its scope at the Don Edwards Nature Center to help celebrate Birdfest. We are at the peak of migratory bird season across US and certainly nearing the peak of solar activity. Sunspot 1476 was an easy naked eye object - mammoth sunspot group in a 6 inch scope. But holy mackerel the plasma stream from 1471 was stellar (thanks Malika for info on this flare - 7.5 times the size of Earth).

Image of  both Sunspots from 3 days ago.

 "Wow" was the word of the day from the families that looked through the scope. One kid was so jazzed by the sun he asked at the face painting booth to have all the planets put on face:

 Later in the day a prominence from a sunspot that will be in view tomorrow was spectacular - looking like a miniaturized aurora or curtain on the sun's horizon. All in all a truly a stellar day.